💻Bullet and Material Data

Bullet Data

Bullet data folder location: Content -> RPS-Volumetric_Bullets -> Data -> Data_Bullets

The Bullet Data has 12 parameters:

  1. Row Name | Default Value: -

    • Sets the bullet name

  2. Caliber (mm) | Default Value: 7,62

    • Sets the bullet diameter in milimeters

  3. Speed (m/s) | Default Value: 860

    • Sets the muzzle velocity/speed of the bullet in meters per second

  4. Mass (g) | Default Value: 1

    • Sets the mass of the bullet in grams

  5. Base Damage | Default Value: 100

    • Sets the base damage, before applying falloff

  6. Drag Coefficient | Default Value: G1

    • Sets the drag coefficient at different velocities as a float curve

  7. Can Penetrate? | Default Value: TRUE

    • Enables/Disables the penetration computations

  8. Can Ricochet? | Default Value: TRUE

    • Enables/Disables the ricochet computations

  9. Can Get Stuck? | Default Value: TRUE

    • Enables/Disables the getting stuck computations

  10. Cartridge Mesh | Default Value: -

    • It is a map composed of a Static Mesh and Transform

    • Sets the Cartridge static mesh, with Transform adjustments

  11. Head Mesh | Default Value: -

    • It is a map composed of a Static Mesh and Transform

    • Sets the Bullet Head static mesh, with Transform adjustments

  12. Impact Meshes | Default Value: -

    • It is an array of Static Meshes

    • Sets the meshes of the 5 impact levels

Material Data

Bullet data folder location: Content -> RPS-Volumetric_Bullets -> Data -> Data_Materials

The Material Data has 6 parameters:

  1. Row Name | Default Value: -

    • Sets the Material name (!! Set the same name as the Physical Material Ex. PM_Steel)

  2. Can Penetrate? | Default Value: TRUE

    • Enables/Disables the penetration computations

  3. Can Ricochet? | Default Value: TRUE

    • Enables/Disables the ricochet computations

  4. Can Get Stuck? | Default Value: TRUE

    • Enables/Disables the getting stuck computations

  5. Material Density (g/cm³) | Default Value: 3

    • Sets the material density in grams per centimeter cubed

  6. Effects | Default Value: -

    • Sets the Sound, Particles and Decals of the 4 bullet states (Penetration, Ricochet, Stuck or Hit), each with controls:

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