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Last updated
To change the appearance, go to: BP_FirstPersonCharacter / BP_ThirdPersonCharacter -> EventGraph
The Sound Metering Component includes a function called "Update Appearance" to change the colors of the widget.
The Update Appearance function has 4 parameters:
Target | Default Value: Component
Target reference for the Sound Metering Component
Color Default | Default Value: White
Controls the color of the widget when there is no sound
Color Min | Default Value: Green
Sets the color of the min sound level (Gradient from Min to Max)
Color Max | Default Value: Red
Sets the color of the max sound level (Gradient from Min to Max)
To change the detection parameters, go to: BP_FirstPersonCharacter / BP_ThirdPersonCharacter -> EventGraph
The Sound Metering Component has 9 parameters:
Range_Min | Default Value: 300
Controls the range at which the sound is at the max level
Range_Max | Default Value: 5000
Controls the max hearing range
Sensitivity | Default Value: 1
Controls the sound level detection as a coefficient between 0 and 1 (Clamped)
Sound_Level_Base | Default Value: 2, 2
Sets the base sound level
Sound_Level_Current | Default Value: 0, 0
The current sound level is calculated by an algorithm and can be used for further programming by creating events on certain sound levels
Sound_Level_Random | Default Value: 1
Sets the random sound level (+/-) to simulate background noise
Sound_Reflection | Default Value: 0.6
Controls how much sound is kept when turning away from the sound as a coefficient between 0 and 1 (Clamped)
Update_Time | Default Value: 0.1
Controls how often the widget is updated (On Tick)
Setup_Delay | Default Value: 0.1
Controls how often the component detects the sound emitters (On Tick)